
Welcome To Protect Rob & Kristen

This blog is dedicated to protecting Rob and Kristen's privacy, over the years the scrutiny they have lived through had gone from mild fascination through the 'Twilight Saga', to complete violation of privacy since production was completed.

I'm not even going to go into last year, it's not worth my time, however I will say this, Rob and Kristen's relationship has been put under the microscope for far too long, they are human, they have emotions and feelings, yet the media still pursue them. Judging every little detail of their lives. That's right "THEIR" lives. Not x17 or US Weekly, not to mention People and Hollywood Life. These are just a few of the so called pop media culture who think that because Rob and Kristen worked their asses off to be where they are today in their careers, they are number one target for media bullying. Every little detail of their lives ends up in the media spotlight.

We're all guilty of fangirling over pictures of Rob and Kristen together, but what I want to know is what lengths did the so called paparazzi go to in order to get their "money shot" because I'm guessing it was not pretty. As fans we may not have the journalistic abilities that those mentioned above, however we do have the power to put a stop to this madness. We owe it to Rob and Kristen to protect them, because for the last 4 and a half years they have given their all to bring us a saga which will forever be in our hearts. 

Going off topic I feel like I need to mention this because it goes in the same category, we all know Rob and Kristen's friends have instagrams and twitter, we've seen the images for ourselves, but I urge every fan out there to stop posting images taken from their twitter pages and instagrams, because this just gives the paparazzi and media outlets an in to start using them as their so called "sources." 

Thank you for listening, for reading, I don't want to tell you what to do, I just hope you give what I've said some thought, because if things were reversed, I would hope Robsten would do the same for us. 

Everything Robsten
Protect Rob & Kristen | TNB